Lenten Prayer Table PostersCanon Thomas ShieldsFeb 26, 20231 min readA collection of posters to place around your Class Altars.Also in the document are some templates for 'Lenten Promises' - children could either write on them or draw a picture of their special Lenten Promise.Prayer Table Posters.pdfDownload PDF • 1.71MB
A collection of posters to place around your Class Altars.Also in the document are some templates for 'Lenten Promises' - children could either write on them or draw a picture of their special Lenten Promise.Prayer Table Posters.pdfDownload PDF • 1.71MB
Brilliant Opportunities in the Lovely County of ClackmannanshireHead Teacher in St Bernadette's, Tullibody https://myjobscotland.gov.uk/councils/clackmannanshire-council/jobs/headteacher-st-bernadettes...
Scottish Government's Consultation on Withdrawing Children from Religious Observance and Religious Education in Schools
Hope in religious worshipA school Mass is announced... And the behaviour detection and defence mechanisms go into overdrive. Teachers are lined up in assembly...