Hi everyone. I hope you are all well during this period of lockdown! I know it is the holidays but, given that we don't look like we'll be returning to school any time soon, I was wondering how folk were preparing for next term?
St John's, like many other schools, used Microsoft Teams to post up work during the last week of last term. It was a steep learning curve for me but I've got the hang of the basics now.
What I've found best is to add Word files with information and activities to be done at home (and emailed to the teacher if the pupils want to) . Additionally, to make sure the kids are doing something, using Microsoft Forms to create quizzes that can be posted as Assignments that must be submitted (multiple choice quizzes based on the information sheets that mark themselves)
Anyway, I've managed to do a few weeks work of materials like this for S2 and S3 but I'm struggling a wee bit for S1. I've found that the best kind of unit to adapt into this form are some of the older kind that have a lot of 'read it and answer the questions' stuff. The kind of more active learning that we do nowadays is far harder to adapt for obvious reasons.
I don't suppose anyone has any of those kinds of units that they would be willing to share so that I can adapt them for online use? I'm happy to share the stuff that I've done already. I have about 7 S2 lessons on the Old Testament and I'm working through some S3 stuff. S4,5,6, are all being given chapters of 'St Marcellin, A Heart that Knew no Bounds' to read and answer questions on - relevant for us as Marists but maybe less so for you. Though I'm happy to share that too.
God bless,
Many thanks, Gents. I know Dundee went back this week. Hope all went well.
As Owner of the group at the moment I reserve the right to kick people I am unsure of. Once you join I'll make you owner too :) P.S. I don't have access to my school email at the moment :S
Great idea. You can get a code that gives us access to your Team. Just post it here. Or I could just set up a new one and put all my stuff on it for you. I've got your email address? Whatever is easiest for you
Just a wee thought ... if we are all accessing Teams etc through Glow might it be possible to set up a Teams for us? ... I have a Team set up just not sure how to get everyone into it ... not going to put the code up here, or my glow email, or my phone number ...
Ver steep learning curve here too. Not got to quizes yet but I do have a pile of read/answer/research/activity worksheets on Abraham/Joseph/Moses and The Passion ... my big problem is that these are in PDF and we can't upload these here ... I'll think of a solution ...